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> Home > Soundtracks > Digital Download > Songs About Wrestling (ITW: Is This Wrestling? Original Soundtrack)
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Released: 2024-01-30
Production Label: OafTunes

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1Big Daddy Provides Morty "Big Daddy Sinclair Theme (feat. Rashawn Nadine Scott, Nikki Star & Neel Ghosh) (3:23)
2Voice of an Angel Thigh Meats & Uncle Isley Theme (feat. Keenan the First) (4:16)
3Storm's Coming Hurricane Tanimoto Theme (feat. Becky Sanders) (1:57)
4Hard Luck Hard Luck Harrison Theme (4:03)
5Trans Rights "the American Icon" Hunter Boyle Theme (feat. Reed Brice) (2:54)
6Tranquilo El Gato Misterioso Theme (feat. John Ryan Benavides) (4:25)
7The Pervert Strut Mr. Pho & the Immigrant Theme (feat. Michael Chau & Ben Gonzales) (1:55)
8Chickenshit (Please Don't Hurt Me) Dalton "the Cop Caller" Jankewicz ThemeBen Gonzales) (3:27)
9CHOP Big Bunyan Theme (2:19)
10I Submit to Your Love ITW Main Theme (feat. Zehra Fazal) (2:51)
11I Submit to Your Love (Prof. MagicFingers Ragtime Version) (0:37)
12I Submit to Your Love (Acoustic Coffee House Version) (3:22)
13I Submit to Your Love (8-Bit Version) - Vallury & Butler & Kevin Mosteller (1:34)

Total Length: 37:03
   Notes: All songs composed and performed by Vallury & Butler, except track 13.

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