| Page 1 |
| 1 | Secret, Indiana - Avecina Tormenta (Frank Fiott) (1:40) | |
| 2 | Craig Sullivan (Parts Unknown Audio) - Goth Daddy (Xander) (2:03) | |
| 3 | Resuscitators - Disappointment Reigns (Kieron Lacey) (3:23) | |
| 4 | Truth Ruiner - Dogs of Perdition (Oliver War) (2:59) | |
| 5 | Planet Fatale - Fight Club (Rob Drake) (5:16) | |
| 6 | KMX - The Deadly One (Nightshade) (2:38) | |
| 7 | Trans-Cis-Stars - Evie's Song (Evie Madden) (1:52) | |
| 8 | Lay it on the Line x Visager - The Last Player Out [The Organ Grinder's Monkey Mash-Up] (Fight and Flight) (1:57) | |
| 9 | LXE - Raffletastrophe (Super Raffle Bros) (1:37) | |
| 10 | KMX - Transcended (Truman Roswell) (2:47) | |
| 11 | Goldblume - Nothing (Rock 'em Sock 'em Wrestlers) (2:35) | |
| 12 | Askari - Phantom (Asher Baker) (4:26) | |