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> Home > Other > Vinyl Album > Forget Me Not Fest - Compilation Volume 1 (Alzheimer's Purple Swirl Edition)
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Released: 2018-06-29
Production Code: 001
Production Label: Forget Me Not Fest

Buy Online: Out of Print
   Side A
1A Loss For Words - Stamp of Approval (3:07)
2Belmont - Overstepping (4:04)
3With The Punches - Letting Go (3:59)
4Safe Hands - Love You Give Away (2:40)
5I Call Fives - Elevator Music (3:10)
6Keep Flying - Live Together, Die Alone (4:26)

   Side B
1Major League - Subject to Change (3:36)
2Bearings - Indecision (2:53)
3Nominee - Prints (3:34)
4Daggermouth - Glendale PD Hates Daggermouth (1:38)
5Homesafe - Stranger (3:23)
6Handguns - Last Years (2:19)
7Light Years - World Burns Out (3:58)

Total Length: 42:47
   Notes: Limited to 300 copies.

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