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> Home > Other > Digital Download > Daggermouth - Stallone
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Released: 2006-08-22
Production Label: Behold the Might Music

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1Steveston Mike Can Mosh to This Anyday (1:13)
2I Dance to Trance in Garbage Bag Pants (1:37)
3Hit Em High, Hit Em Low, Don Flamingo (2:28)
4Does Anyone Know What Snfu Stands for? (1:49)
5Vegas Chaffe, Brutha I Got It Too (3:22)
6Shildos Quest: Legacy of the Dung (3:39)
7Pump Lube and Gary the Bear (2:07)
8The Verbal Uzi. Moo You Fucking Bitches! (1:47)
9Lassies Last Dance (2:37)
10A Merkin in the Streets (2:30)
11The Dude Just Wants His Rug Back (3:13)
12Texas Johns Sweet Herbal Remedy (1:43)
13Wrestlemania 5: Hulk Hogan Vs Macho Man... Winner Gets Miss Elizabths Love (2:25)
14This Is Where the Chocolate Cheesecake Would Be If We Had Any... Whammy (0:13)
15Sing It Again Rookie Biatch (3:15)

Total Length: 33:58
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