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> Home > Other > Vinyl Album > Daggermouth - Stallone (Forest Green Vinyl Edition)
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Released: 2010
Production Code: ASR-014
Production Label: Animal Style Records

Buy Online: Out of Print
   Side 1
2I Dance To Trance In Garbage Bag Pants
3Hit 'Em High, Hit 'Em Low, Don Flamingo
4Does Anyone Know What SNFU Stands For?
5Vegas Chaffe, Brutha I Got It Too
6Shildo's Quest: Legacy Of The Dung
7Pump Lube And Gary The Bear
8The Verbal Uzi. Moo You Fucking Bitches
9Lassie's Last Dance
10A Merkin In The Streets
11The Dude Just Wants His Rug Back
12Texes John's Sweet Herbal Remedy
13Wrestlemania 5: Hulk Hogan Vs. Macho Man ....Winner Gets Miss Elizabeths Love
14This Is Where The Chocolate Cheesecake Would Be If We Had Any Whammy!
15Sing It Again Rookie Biatch

   Notes: 200 copies of this edition were made.

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