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> Home > Soundtracks > Vinyl Album > Music from the film Girl on the Third Floor (Black Edition)
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Released: 2020-06-12
Production Code: tg365lp
Production Label: Touch and Go Records

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   Side A
117 Arrow 43 (4:23)
2XVI Dry (8:17)
3Line 55 (3:19)

   Side B
1Irish (18:34)

   Side C
1XVI Standard (7:47)
2Line 54 (2:32)
3Sparky's Revenge (1:53)

   Side D
1Line 62 (1:17)
2Line 64 (1:44)
3Line 70 (2:33)
4Line 71 (2:34)

Total Length: 54:53
   Notes: All songs composed and performed by Alison Chesley, Steve Albini & Tim Midyett. Includes download code of mp3 320kbps.

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