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> Home > Other > Digital Download > J.D. Spears - Pro Wrestling Covers (Season 2)
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Released: 2022-01-01
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1The Rock - The People's Symphony (A Musical Career Retrospective) (9:02)
2Cody Rhodes - Kingdom (Final Fantasy Boss Version) (2:51)
3Chris Jericho - Judas (Orchestral Version) (4:24)
4Asuka - The Future (Orchestral Version)
5Roman Reigns - Head of the Table (Orchestral Version)
6Sting - Through The Years (WCW,WWE,AEW)
7Hiroshi Tanahashi - Love & Energy (Orchestral Version)
8Kenny Omega (Original Tribute Track)
9Randy Orton - Voices (Outlaw Country Version)

Total Length: 16:17
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