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> Home > Other > Digital Download > Gladiadores del Ring
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Released: 2005-04-07
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   Page 1
1Gladiadores del Ring (0:47)
2Rogelio el Plancha (1:59)
3Dr. Armando Puentedura (1:53)
4Jetmon (2:09)
5Cajita el Payaso Feliz (1:15)
6Cimarrón (2:18)
7Nico, el Reparte Pizza (2:02)
8Yu Shin (1:33)
9Gladiador Tricolor (2:18)
10Cresta Roja (1:09)
11La Momia de Elvis (1:48)
12Despeinado José (2:26)
13Tokyo Joe (1:34)
14Paladín Carbonero (1:42)
15Supersoldado (2:06)
16Mr. Tango (1:18)
17Angelito (2:23)
18Arriba los que luchan (0:13)
19Rocky Rolando* (3:07)

Total Length: 34:00
   Notes: *Digital bonus track. All songs composed and performed by The Supersónicos.

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