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> Home > Other > CD Album > Hot Tag Media Works - The Music of Hot Tag
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Released: 2018-09-28
Production Code:
Production Label: Hot Tag Media Works

Buy Online: Not For Sale
   Disc 1
1Young & Bitter (Pete Dunne) (2:14)
2Spotlight (Tenille Dashwood) (3:08)
3In Mod We Trust (Flash Morgan Webster) (2:02)
4The Squid And The Wolf (CCK) (2:00)
5Grit Your Teeth (James Drake) (2:15)
6Ginger Jesus (Mike Bird) (2:24)
7Ambassador (Doug Williams)* (2:32)
8The Professional (Nathan Cruz) (2:17)
9No Fun (Anti Fun Police) (1:50)
10All Ego (Ethan Page) (2:00)
11Return of The King (RJ Singh)* (2:34)
12Haute Couture (Jinny) (2:13)

Total Length: 27:29
   Notes: Wrestle Crate UK Exclusive. * are unreleased tracks.

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