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> Home > Other > Digital Download > Mega Ran - Mat Mania: Battle Royale
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Released: 2018-04-06
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1MM3 (the intro) (2:08)
2One Fall (by Schaffer The Darklord) (2:43)
3Boo Or Cheer (feat. Teek Hall) (4:12)
4SMARK (by Erik Stephen feat. Mega Ran) (3:47)
5Bull Nakano (by Grizzly F.O.G.) (1:21)
6High Spots (1:41)
7Daniel Bryan Danielson (by Cheap Pop) (1:25)
8Flair vs. Rhodes (by Shimmering Warlock) (1:43)
9Heel Turn (Bret's Lament) (2:33)
10MANKIND (by Joey Zadjino) (3:51)
11Punchlines and Clotheslines (RhymeTime feat. Mega Ran) (3:10)
12Strong Stylin' and Profilin' [Horsemen Remix] (Doc Lesnar feat. Kwency Jones GO, Mega Ran & Cam Archer) (4:57)
13Boss (It's Time)* (1:32)

Total Length: 35:03
   Notes: *Bonus Track

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