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> Home > Other > Digital Download > Greg Massi - Music From The Capitol: Year One
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Released: 2018-03-23
Production Label: Ret Con Industries

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   Page 1
1Capitol Wrestling Theme (2:43)
2Pain Train A Comin' (Preston Quinn) (3:42)
3I Am Colossal ("Colossal" Mike Law) (3:24)
4We Rassle (National Rasslin Alliance) (3:02)
5LUXURY (Luxury Muscles Inc.) (3:19)
6Mass Hysteria (Hysteria) (2:25)
7Sex Sells But Who's Buying (Sex Crazed) (3:41)
8Champion of the 1% (Logan Easton Laroux) (3:29)
9Rainwalker (Nyla Rose) (2:19)
10The Juggernaut (Juba) (2:38)
11EndGame (Paul Jordane) (1:34)
12Forever United (Sonny Kiss) [feat. Shannon Kelly & Sonny Kiss] (3:29)
13Perfectly Strange (Perfect Strangers) (2:12)
14Killian's Dare (Killian McMurphy) (2:41)
15Extreme Redneck (Chuck Payne) (2:03)
16The Beast Will Feast (KTB) (3:13)
17This Seems Like A Bad Idea (North South Connection) (2:25)
18Where Danger Walks (Danger Sanctuary) (3:11)
19The Cold Hand Of Fear (Jasin Karloff) (3:35)
20In The Master's Chamber (Master Of Excellence) (4:19)

Total Length: 59:24
   Notes: Music Written, Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Greg Massi at Ret Con Industries. Lyrics on "Forever United" Written by Greg Massi and Shannon Kelly. Lead Vocals on "Forever united" By Shannon Kelly. Intro on "Forever United" By Sonny Kiss.

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