| Disc 1 |
| 1 | Spinning Toe Hold (Terry Funk) |  |
| 2 | I'm Sorry (El Canek) |  |
| 3 | Roll With The Changes (Dick Slater) |  |
| 4 | Leather Face (Leather Face) |  |
| 5 | Texas Fight (Dick Murdoch) |  |
| 6 | Saber Tiger (Tiger Jeet Singh) |  |
| 7 | Free Bird (Terry Gordy) |  |
| 8 | All In The Wind (Gypsy Joe) |  |
| 9 | Symphony Of Frenzy (Cactus Jack) |  |
| 10 | Yankee Station (The Great Kabuki) |  |
| 11 | JAWS (King Kong Bundy) |  |
| 12 | Giant Press (El Gigante) |  |
| 13 | Cry Of The Brave ('Dr. Death' Steve Williams) |  |
| 14 | Real American (Mike Rotondo & Barry Windham) |  |
| 15 | A.I.E. [A'MWANA] (Giant Kimara) |  |
| 16 | Hard Times (Big Bossman) |  |
| 17 | Cosmic Highway ('Hacksaw' Jim Duggan) |  |
| 18 | Iron Man (Roadwarrior Animal) |  |